Friday, October 30, 2015

Flashcards -- A Free Gift for You!

There's lots of downtime in the workday. Sad but true. Whether you're waiting for the next customer to savage you at the call center or waiting for the results of the biopsy to come back before stitching up the patient, a tragic fact of this broken modern world is lots of waiting around doing nothing. All the while, the sands of your little life drain away one grain at a time, leaving you no better at the end of the day save crawling a little closer to the finish line we call death.

Well, LabKitty is here to help. Turn your wait time into great time with flash card goodness! A flashcard facsimile operating right on your web browser you can use for self-improvement whenever opportunity presents itself.

The default card set is trigonometry themed. But you can practice whatever you'd like simply by entering your own flashcards in the textbox provided. The order of the presidents, birthdays of your coworkers, common Yiddish swear words -- the possibilities are truly endless! Drill whatever needs to get drilled into your noggin this very day.

The only catch is your card text must be in the correct format. It's pretty simple: One entry per line, each like so

card front text = card back text;

That is, the text on the card front then an equals sign then the text on the card back followed by a semicolon. Don't forget the semicolon (even on the final line). Can't stress that enough. Check out the default card set provided for an example.

Click the parse button and you're good to go! Once your text parses correctly, a card will be selected at random and the front text displayed. Click the flip button to display the answer. Click the flip button again to display another card. Shampoo, rinse, repeat.

There's some rudimentary syntax checking of the text, but if you want to get all hackerish you can probably flummox my code without too much effort. So don't do that. Also, your text will be saved to local storage in your browser (i.e., localStorage, not cookies). If that isn't available the app will still work but you'll need to reenter your text if you leave and come back later (or if you clear your local storage). Clicking "default" will restore the default card set. Also, I guess you need JavaScript turned on. Without that, you're kinda screwed. If you find a bug, please tell me about it so I can fix it.

But enough talk -- make with the flash! You have nothing to lose but idle neurons.

UPDATE: Made a few changes suggested by testers -- mostly to make the app play better on mobile. The card text is now smaller and the background color is different for front and back (fronts are blue, backs are white). You can click on the card as well as the flip button to flip, and you can now hide the card editor. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

UPDATE: Flashcards now has its own site! Take me to Those on your phone will want to go landscape and make with the resize pinchy.

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