Sunday, February 14, 2021

World Eigenvalue Day 2021

eigenvalue day button!
Good morrow cousins!

And it is a good morrow indeed, for it is World Eigenvalue Day. A perennial Valentine's Day alternative here at the LabKitty that hasn't quite yet caught on in the "real world" but no matter. WED commands a small but festive band of devotees. And why should it not? Self-love is the purest form of love, as they say, because before you can stop hating others you must learn to stop hating yourself.

There are also usually cupcakes.

In additional to the traditional WED gift-giving traditions, each year I offer a small tidbit of eigenvalue goodness, be it a Javascript for displaying Gershgorin circles, a Javascript for computing all the things, a list of eigenfactoids, a creative reinterpretation of eigenlore, or a creative reinterpretation of eigenlore. The more adventurous / confused might enjoy the original WED announcement which goes back to an early LabKitty flirtation with Hubpages. (Yeah, as if you don't have any youthful indiscretions hiding in your closet, like sophomore year when you wore black eyeliner and listened to the Smiths. If we are to grow as beings of pure Internet, we must own our mistakes.)

See also: gift-giving.

Each year we push ever deeper into the fetid swamp that is mathematics to recover a gem and this year is no different. I can only imagine the tenterhooks on which you must be perched, waiting for the eigenmanna to gush forth like young tikes on Christmas 'morn.

Well, as Kirk said to Khan, here it comes.

Cut open any problem in mathematics and it will bleed eigenvalues, one of our engineering profs always told us, with wide eyes and wild gesturing, at least until the restraining order took effect. So this year we have a special eigentreat. A year-long creative construction celebrating all things mathematics. Sequestercation forced weekend and evening free time upon us available for YouTube crafting in place of rockin' the night life as we nerds are otherwise wont to do. And so here we are.

Sure, the purest may question the eigenspecificity of this year's offering. I respond with something that changes the subject: Kee-ripes -- what troop of Cupertino touch monkeys wrote the crapfest called iMovie?? The iMovie interface makes GitHub look like the nee plus ultra of good design. I guess development happened during the Scully/Spindler years, when all the top thinky talent at Apple was getting siphoned into Newton and the AITB. If there is a just god, Jobs had the iMovie coders walled up in an abandoned coke oven upon his return.

On that note, I give you Ode To Mathematics (\m/). Which, as we already established, is really an Ode to Eigenvalues. Or, as Friedrich Schiller put it: An die Freude.

Lower your earhole volume, as eigenvalues are not for the timid.

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